Sunday, October 17, 2010

A Room Full of Inspiration at the Georgia Quilt Show

My poor cell phone photo doesn’t do Leona Harden’s “Serengeti at Twilight” justice. But one look at the detailed machine quilting, and you begin to understand why it won best in show.

I didn’t elect to take any classes at the show, but my two hour stroll around the show floor did prove educational. Quilts where entered in three categories (bed quilts, large wall hangings, and small wall hangings), and I took pictures of a few favorites. Though I am drawn to art quilts in my own work, Some of the very traditional quilts are still inspirational, and can teach us techniques that carry into any style.
The appliqué on this traditional quilt caught my eye. Every bit of the basket, flower petals, leaves and ribbon are hand appliquéd, and I regret that I didn’t make a note of the quilter who made it.

Given my own investment in crazy quilting, I was also delighted to see that a crazy quilt won the large wall hanging prize. This offering from Dot Vaughan. It’s called “Crazy Quilt Xtraordinaire”, and makes mine look downright spare. I especially like the beadwork she has done on this piece.

I’m sometimes surprised at the things I’m drawn to. "Sun Dancer" “Sun Dancer” by Gail Eberle is, in many ways a traditional bed quilt using native American motifs. But I am really drawn to the colors and central vignette.
I really love this little girl on the beach. Beach Baby by Molly Samuels won an honorable mention from the judges. Can’t you just feel the wind whipping her hair this way and that?
And what fun to happen upon a quilt made by someone you know. Karin Husty’s “Spring Foliage” is the work of  a very talented member of the Atlanta Modern Quilt Guild, a group I have recently joined.
You can view some official quilt photos here, and a list of all winners and honorable mentions here. All in all it was a great way to spend an afternoon for someone who aspires to be a serious art quilter, and I would definitely go back when the show comes to town again. 
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