Monday, August 15, 2011

We Call Them UFOs

The first time I saw the term UFO applied to quilting, I was a bit perplexed. My quilts don’t generally fly. But when I realized they were talking about Un Finished Objects, it made much more sense. Those I have to excess.
One in particular has been niggling at me. Several years ago I was involved with raising money and support for the first off leash dog park in Atlanta. When I stepped down from my leadership role in the group, the rest of the team chipped in and gave me some parting gifts. One was a quite large gift certificate to one of my favorite online quilt shops Frankly, the gift seemed like a bit too much, so I decided I would buy fabric and make a quilt that I could donate to a local canine charity.
I found this adorable fabric called something like “painter mutts”,
and then all of these cute fabrics to coordinate.
I even found some cute buttons and do dads to embellish the quilt.
I put together a design placing one of those painter mutts in each block.
I did the quilt math and calculated materials.
I even cut everything out, organized it and started a test on one square.
And then something happened. Who knows what? Maybe it was time to start prepping for the annual holiday party. Maybe I got the bug to work on a different quilt. Anyway, all of this got packed up in a project bag and that is exactly where it’s been. I can’t even tell you for how long, but it’s been years. Pretty sad for something that was supposed to benefit another. Especially because it was supposed to help dogs!
Well today I’ve decided that is just unacceptable. I have many UFOs that may sit in no-woman’s-land for several more years, but not this one. I’m issuing myself a challenge. This quilt top will be pieced before Labor Day… This year!
How about you? Have an unfinished project you’ve been meaning to get back to? Post a comment and I’ll be happy to cheer you on. And on Monday September 5th, we can all reveal our results. Send me photos and I’ll post them here on the blog.


  1. Love the fabric...I was given the multi large paw print in a FQ swap. Wish I had known of the matching cute. I made my dog his own Quilt with the paw prints. He loves it.

    Yes, I am working on a my shame. Should have been done in MAY. It is my first bed runner so it better be done by Sept. 5..or I'm in trouble..with MYSELF!

    Come by for a blog has some Quilting and various crafts.


  2. They will love it!

  3. Thanks for sharing your project Hope. I think you are far ahead of me!
