Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Did I Say Blocks?

I've mentioned a couple of times that I'm participating in Craftsy's free Block of the Month quilting project. Well here is the block for July.
I don't really love the colors, but the contrst definitely makes the 3D impression work. Laura Nownes calls it tumbling blocks or baby blocks. The way they are floating there, they do look like they ought to fall over.
The assignment for August and September was to piece a basket and then applique a bunch of flowers in it. I know, right? I just couldn't make myself cut into fabric to make something that sweet. It makes me think of Sunbonnet Sue. Instead I made this block. 
It's called the New York Beauty Circle of Geese, and I do LOVE it. In october we are supposed to make strips of traditional flying geese and these will somehow pull this whole crazy collection of blocks together. Except of course they aren't really blocks. They are all different sizes, and it's a bit hard to imagine a way to make them pull together. Here is Laura finished quilt.
I think she did an admirable job of designing a block of the month quilt that covers lots of new techniques. I've already used partial seams and Y-seams in a couple of projects I've designed. At the same time, I keep looking at this and I can't find any place for my eye to rest. Now take a look at the collection of piece parts I have to work with.
I tried laying them all out on a bed. Yes I know I need a good design wall but what can I say. For now the bed is what I've got.

 Can you say busy? I can't really imagine being able to fall asleep with all that happening on top of me. I've half a mind to take the larger blocks and turn each into the centerpiece of it's own quilt or wall hanging. Some of the smaller blocks could be joined up to make pillows. And I could make a zillion more spools and use them as borders around one of the big blocks. What say you? 

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