Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Sewing Buddies Pouch Swap

Sewing Buddies is a program put together by Deborah Moebes over at Whipstitch which I've watched for a couple of years, but finally decided to join for 2014. She describes it as, "a fun opportunity to meet other folks who love sewing.  That’s it, in a nutshell.  I hope you’ll find that the videos, challenges, giveaways and other fun stuff that comes along as 2014 unfolds adds to that for you, but at the core, the Sewing Buddy Project is about making this virtual sewing community immediate and tangible for each of us, by giving us a friend to share ideas, make nerdy sewing jokes, challenge us to keep our goals, and to grow our sewing with."

One of the challenges this year was to make your buddy a pouch. My buddy needed a pouch for her iPhone, and she asked for, "one with a zipper. That would be really useful. And maybe the pouch could have an inside pocket for the ear buds. I like most colors but prefer that it not be pink - pink has never been a favorite. When you choose the fabric, think "fullness of color" ...I like color, color, color! (I think that is why pastels are not my favorite.)

I think I nailed it with this fabric. Nothing pastel here :-) The fabric is called Effervescence and is by Amelia Caruso for Robert Kaufman. It was screen printed in Japan with 15 different colors. 
The pattern runs the full width of the fabric with an awesome border that I thought would look great for a skirt or dress hemline. I've no idea where or when I bought this, but it's been in my stash for awhile, and I was happy to use a bit of it for this gift. 
As requested, the pouch has a zipper
and a little internal pocket for ear buds. I sort of used this pattern, with some modifications.

This was a fun swap and project, though I've got to say that if I was making this pattern again, I would rework it so I didn't have to put the zipper in by hand. That was a serious pain, and I wasn't happy with how messy the stitching looked. Ah well. "Tomorrow is another day"...

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