Monday, July 21, 2014

More Quick Satisfaction

Well over a year ago, I wrote here and here about ideas for using up some of the stash of selvage edges I've been collecting. 

Way back in February 2013 I got them all color sorted

I decided to make a long narrow wall hanging to replace this painting, which I kinda hate. It's boring and mundane and I was pressured into buying it at one of those art by the yard house parties. 


Now that it's hanging in that little piece of wall space between two doors I kind of wish I had added more neutral border at the top and bottom, and then added a dark narrow border to frame the whole piece. Ah well, next time. This went together so quickly - probably a total of five or six hours over two days - so I may well make another one soon. I am loving these quick projects.

To make one of your own, select the selvage strips you want to use overlapping the finished edge on top of the raw edge of the piece below. Sew the strips together, sewing a scant 1/4 inch from the finished edge. Cut a couple of pieces of background fabric that are the height of your selvage collection and the desired width to go on both sides of the wall hanging. Now lay these strips on each side of the selvage collection overlapping by about two inches. Use your rotary cutter to cut a wavy line through both, and discard the scraps. Now pin, pin, pin those curved edges and sew the sides on. Clip the curves and press the seams towards the center. That's it. 

Quilt and bind to suit, including either a hanging sleeve, or corner pockets for a hanging rod. I've been using this method with corner pockets and a simple piece of dowel from the hardware store lately. Easy Peasy. I hope you decide to make one and if you do, please leave a comment here with a link to where we can all see it.


  1. Very clever ... and we see what your color preferences are (:-) !) ... plus ... the photo of the hanging sleeve and dowel insert is appreciated! neat trick for prepping a piece for the wall!

  2. Thanks Susan. The corner pocket and dowel works great, and if the quilt is wide enough for it to sag in the middle, you can just add a loop for the dowel to pass though in the middle of the hanging. For the corner pockets I just cut a square and fold it on the diagonal, then sew it to the quilt at the same time I'm adding the binding. For a really heavy quilt I would still use a sleeve that runs the full width of the quilt, sewn into the binding and tacked down at the bottom of the sleeve, but that is more work and bulk.

  3. Hi Kay! I agree, your quilt is much, much better than the picture. Your use of selvedges and the color progression are fantastic!
